To enhance the usefulness of the Annual Utility Rate Survey, we have developed an online Dashboard for use by participants. The dashboard can be accessed by logging into the site at: Rate survey participants can either log in using an existing account or create a new account by following the prompts at the bottom of the page.
The dashboard has five screens. The first screen provides an overview of each participant accessible using a drop-down menu.

The second screen provides data that is often used to assess affordability.

The third screen allows participants to visualize the impact of potential rate adjustments. The user can enter rate increases and see the monthly change of a 6,000-gallons utility bill, and how the new bill compares to other respondents to the 2024 survey.

The fourth screen provides access to reported residential stormwater rates by state.

The fifth screen summarizes the reported solid waste data, and the final screen allows respondents to make comparisons within a user-selected radius.

We hope this dashboard will be useful to rate survey respondents. If you would like help using or interpreting the dashboard, please email Jacob Strombeck or Miranda Kleven, or call 701-746-8087.