USEPA Amends Risk Management Program for Chemical Facilities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has finalized a rule to amend its Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations. The update aims to reduce the likelihood of accidental releases at chemical facilities and improve emergency response activities when those releases occur. “This rule is based on extensive engagement with nearly 1,800 people over the last two … Read more

Non-Revenue Water: Considerations and 2016 Benchmarking Data

No water system is perfect. Somewhere between entry to the distribution system and registry at customer meters, water loss will occur. Some of it is essential for standard operation of the system, as in the case of hydrant flushing. Also expected and allowed is water consumed for firefighting purposes and other City functions such as … Read more

Traditional Bonding vs. SRF

As utility systems look to continue reinvesting in existing systems and expanding to serve new customers, one typical hurdle they face is how to pay for investments. Fortunate systems may have enough cash on hand or access to grant funding to offset the costs of needed improvements, but often a system will need to use … Read more

2016 Utility Rate Survey Results

AE2S Nexus plans to distribute the 2016 version of its annual Utility Rate Survey within the next few weeks. We would like to thank each of the 277 participants this year. AE2S Nexus received responses from 132 systems serving populations 5,000 and greater, 88 systems serving populations less than 5,000, and 57 regional systems. Utilities in … Read more

Creating a Long-Term Funding Plan

Although it’s difficult to see into the future with certainty, planning activities that address near-term needs while keeping an eye on potential long-term needs can lay the groundwork for a well planned capital improvements plan (CIP). When it comes to rate-setting, capital is often the primary driver. As a result, comprehensive capital planning that is updated … Read more

Asset Management for Sustainable Utility Operations

A cross-section of AE2S staff recently facilitated an Asset Management workshop geared toward regional water system operations. The forum provided a great venue for system managers, operators, and board members to interact and share information. It was also a good reminder that asset management is essentially taking a deliberately planned and consistent approach to doing things you already do: maintain assets, prioritize asset replacement, seek funding for asset replacement, and revise rates to ensure adequate revenue to operate and maintain the system.

The concept of Asset Management has been around for most of modern history. But after years of deferred maintenance and postponement of rate adjustments, the infrastructure crisis in the United States has forced the formalization of Asset Management into a practical tool to manage infrastructure. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) defines it:

“Asset Management is maintaining desired level of service for what you want your assets to provide at the lowest life cycle cost. Lowest life cycle cost refers to the best appropriate cost for rehabilitating, repairing or replacing an asset…”

-EPA Asset Management: A Best Practice Guide

Today’s implementation of Asset Management generally centers on five core topics, shown in the graphic below:

Asset Management Graphic-01

Understanding the age and condition of the system is what most of us think of first when we hear the words “asset management.” This is generally the first step in developing an approach to asset management. If the system is new, you may make significant expenditures annually in terms of debt service principal payments. As debt on system components is retired, the system should continue to “invest” either through renewal/replacement or by contributing to a reserve fund for future replacements. A general rule of thumb is annual investment either through debt service, reserve contributions, or rate-funded capital should be at least equal to total annual depreciation on the system.

To address aging infrastructure and operational efficiency challenges, best practices and tools have been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and industry stakeholders. Comprehensive resources for asset management can be accessed by clicking here.

A formalized approach to Asset Management has many benefits. Taking a planned and prioritized approach to maintaining and replacing a system’s assets will ultimately lead to long-term financial stability. If you have questions or would like more information on Asset Management, contact Jared Heller at [email protected] or Shawn Gaddie at [email protected].