President Signs $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill that Includes WIFIA

The U.S. House and Senate approved spending legislation for the 2015 fiscal year that includes the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) pilot program, and President Barack Obama signed the omnibus appropriations package into law in mid-December. The spending bill will fund the federal government for the remainder of FY15. While the WIFIA portion … Read more

Water and Wastewater Utility Operating Ratios – FY2013 Data

As part of the 2014 AE2S Nexus North Central Region Utility Rate Survey, participants were asked to report 2013 financial data such as rate revenue, non-rate operating revenue, operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses, debt service principal and interest payments, rate-funded capital, contributions to reserves, and depreciation. Based on the reported information, AE2S Nexus reviewed important … Read more

2015 North Central Utility Rate Survey to be Sent in First Quarter

The 14th Annual North Central Utility Rate Survey questionnaire will be sent out to utilities across the upper Midwest in early 2015. AE2S Nexus conducts the annual survey of water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste utility rates in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In all, 224 communities participated in the 2014 … Read more

Wisconsin DNR Streamlines Surface Water Grant Application Process

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced a new, streamlined application process including an online submission option that will make it easier for communities, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and waterfront property associations to pursue funds for a variety of water protection, management, and education grants. “DNR provides significant funding to encourage communities, nonprofits … Read more

Water Rate Forecasting – How Good is the Crystal Ball?

AE2S Nexus recently rolled out the 2014 North Central Utility Rate Survey results. The purpose of the annual effort is to provide a reference for water, sewer, and stormwater utilities in our region – primarily Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming – as they develop rate plans for the upcoming year. The survey provides … Read more

WRRDA’s Effect on Clean Water State Revolving Fund Projects

The implementation of the Water Resources and Reform Act of 2014 (WRRDA) will provide new opportunities for utility capital projects. While WRRDA’s full impact will be wide-ranging, there are four items that may have an immediate impact on utilities: WRRDA imposes a water and energy efficiency mandate on all Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) … Read more