Capital Planning and Asset Management
Proactive Planning and Management of Infrastructure
What is Asset Management?
Utilities have seen many changes that have driven increasing capital, operation, and maintenance costs in recent history. Among these changes are the continued aging of infrastructure installed over the last century and heightened regulatory requirements associated with the implementation of the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The focus of Asset Management is to take the necessary steps to retain the benefits and service levels of existing assets through repair, rehabilitation, and/or replacement on a preventative/proactive basis, as opposed to making new investments on a reactive basis.

AE2S OptX can be a powerful tool to help you combine asset management and capital planning.
Doing the right work and making the right investments, at the right time, and for the right reasons can help significantly extend the life of your infrastructure and utilities, as well as prevent maintenance emergencies from slowing you down.
Reducing utility operational expenditures and resource usage can help minimize rate increases passed on to customers. Replacement projects can be more costly than rehabilitation projects, and reactive repairs are almost always significantly more expensive than preventative maintenance.
Get the most use, for the longest time, out of existing infrastructure. Standardization of institutional knowledge and efficient transfer of operation data to the next generation will help your systems last longer.
What should an Asset Management project look like?
A proper Asset Management program takes into account three core areas of your organization: your People, your business Processes, and your employed Technology.
Organizational Planning and Change Management
Business process planning
Condition and risk-based facilities assessments
Strategic project investment analysis
Information systems planning
Technology selection and implementation

In these core areas, our planning asset management experience includes:
- Comprehensive community-wide planning
- Level of service target determinations
- Residual life and life-cycle cost assessment
- Risk-based infrastructure analysis
- Capital and O&M investment optimization
- Funding strategy development
- Asset management plan coordination and preparation
- Asset registry and condition assessment
- EAMS/CMMS software selection and implementation support
Interested in learning more?
AE2S Nexus can help you make the most of what you have by analyzing existing infrastructure, preparing a course of action to take, and extending system and utility lifetime, all while saving you money in the long run. Contact one of our specialists today for more information!