We appreciate all of the voluntary responses we received for the 2019 AE2S Nexus Annual Utility Rate Survey. We hope that the results are useful to systems throughout the region as budgets are finalized and 2020 rates are set, by providing a regional measure of benchmarking themselves against similar systems and/or the system next door.
The Utility Rate Survey booklet contains charts of water, wastewater, and stormwater rates, as well as a Total Utility Bill (water, wastewater, and stormwater). Because each community faces different challenges, it is often useful to look at the combined utility rate when comparing the cost of utility services between communities.
The values reported in the following charts illustrate the monthly residential charge for a bill equating to 6,000 gallons of water and corresponding wastewater usage, as well as a stormwater charge, for systems serving less than 5,000 people. Figures 1 through 7 represent the reported results for communities serving less than 5,000 people in alphabetical order by State. Figures 8 through 10 illustrate the reported charges for 6,000 gallons of residential water service per month for the regional system respondents by State.

Figure 11 represents the volumetric rate charged by large regional water systems that have been funded in part or in total by either government appropriations or other non-traditional funding approaches, such as the Western Area Water Supply Authority. The rates for these systems were captured in a separate graphic due to their unique funding configurations, making them difficult to compare with other regional systems.

AE2S Nexus received survey responses from 151 systems serving 5,000 or less and 43 regional water systems. Substantial effort is taken to verify and report accurate data that is gathered during the data collection process. Although verification efforts were completed, in some instances data may not have been provided in full or fully verified. We hope you find the survey results useful to your community or regional system as you evaluate your utility rates and plan for the future. If you have any questions related to the 2019 Annual Utility Rate Survey, please contact Miranda Kleven at 701-746-8087 or [email protected].