The 2019 AE2S Nexus Annual Utility Rate Survey is currently being distributed to all of the participants who voluntarily shared their data. We hope that the results are useful to systems throughout the region as budgets are finalized and 2020 rates are set, by providing a regional measure of benchmarking themselves against similar systems and/or the system next door.
The Utility Rate Survey booklet contains charts of water, wastewater, and stormwater rates, as well as a Total Utility Bill (water, wastewater, and stormwater). Because each community faces different challenges, it is often useful to look at the combined utility rate when comparing the cost of utility services between communities. The values reported in the following tables illustrate the reported 2019 monthly residential charge for a bill equating to 6,000 gallons of water and corresponding wastewater usage, as well as a stormwater charge, when applicable.
Figures 1 through 7 represent the report results for communities serving greater than 5,000 people reported by State in alphabetical order. Figure 8 illustrates the Total Utility Bill for Minnesota systems serving greater than 5,000 that are provided wastewater service through the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area.